
LO NEEL is the brand of human beings committed to a better world, whose mantra is respect.

It is the brand that respects nature by using innovative 100% vegan or recycled materials and by promoting slowfashion by producing parts in reduced quantities to avoid waste.

LO NEEL is the story of a commitment to the planet, our Mother Earth, which welcomes and shelters us. Being part of the LO NEEL community means adopting an ethical and eco-responsible lifestyle and the pieces in our collections are proof that luxury and vegan and eco-responsible lifestyles are compatible.

LO NEEL is the brand that respects living beings. We refuse to use and harm animals in order to adorn ourselves and thanks to this we have obtained the PETA label.

LO NEEL respects its customers by offering soft, pure and ethical materials that will fit their skin.

LO NEEL is the brand that respects its collaborators in India, ensuring the quality of their working conditions and committing itself to their well-being.

LO NEEL is the story of the commitment of a mother and her daughter and a team of talented women dedicated to the environmental cause.
Being part of the LO NEEL community is taking action for the planet.

Join us, take action with us. It’s not too late.
Act for change. Act with style. Be LO NEEL.

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