On the weekend of September 6-9, 2019 we were at Who’s Next!

What is Who’s Next?

It’s the biggest fashion fair in Europe. The most hypes and trendy designers from all over the world come to present their new collections. The novelty 2019 was the IMPACT event. This is a new branch of the show, created with the aim of promoting more ethical and eco-responsible fashion that respects the environment. LO NEEL has been invited to be present for the first edition of IMPACT. This has made it possible to bring together in one place brands that are committed to the same social and environmental values. The aim is to promote designers with the least or no impact on our planet.

 The slogan of the new IMPACT show is “Act now for positive fashion”. It fits perfectly with the spirit and approach of LO NEEL, thanks to the common values we share, our slogan being “Act for change. Act with style. Be LO NEEL. »

It was an honour to participate in the inauguration of such an initiative as it was our first trade fair. As the first and young brand of 100% vegan French designer, exhibiting our pieces to a very receptive and interested public was a great opportunity to make us known. Subsequently, about ten press articles flourished and contributed to the influence of LO NEEL and its innovative materials.

It is also on this occasion that Marie Guillou joined the LO NEEL team! From this beautiful weekend of September, she took charge, with Loane, the co-founder of LO NEEL, of the Communication and Press Relations part of the brand. We were very happy to expand the team and the LO NEEL community. All of this around the values of commitment, respect and above all envy.

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